Yeni bir dil öğrenmenin zorluklarında bir tanesi de kendi anadilimiz ile olan farklılıklardır. İngilizce kursları veya online İngilizce kursları bu konunun üzerine düşseler de bazen iki dil arasında farakların altını çizmek gerekir. Bu farklılıkları dilbilgisinde, yazım kurallarında görebileceğimiz gibi telaffuzlarda da görebiliriz.

Eğer İngilizce öğreniyorsanız, online İngilizce kursu arayışındaysanız, IELTS veya TOEFL sınavlarına hazırlanıyorsanız, çoktan öğrenmiş olduğunuz şeylerden biri de bu farklı telaffuzların yarattığı anlam karmaşasıdır.
İngilizce konuşmak söz konusu olunca öğrenciler telaşlandıran bir durumdur bu ve sizleri daha fazla telaşlandırmak istemem ancak aynı yazıldığı halde farklı telaffuz edilen kelimeler de var İngilizcede.
Online İngilizce Kursu: İngilizce'deki Eşadlı Sözcükler
Eşsesli sözcükleri duymuşsunuzdur. Adı üzerinde sesleri eştir ama anlamları farklıdır. Türkçemizden örnek verecek olursak "yüz" kelimesi farklı anlamlara gelir. Rakam olanı da vardır, eylem olanı da.
Peki eşadlı sözcük ne demektir? Eşadlı sözcüklerde de yazılışları aynı olmasına rağmen telaffuzlarında farklılık gösteren kelimelerdir ve İngilizce öğrenmeye yeni başladıysanız bunları bilmemeniz veya karıştırmanız gayet normaldir. Gelin eşadlı sözcüklere bir örnek verelim;
1. REcord (Noun) - reCORD (Verb)
İngilizce'deki "Record" kelimesi hem isim (noun) hem de fiil (verb) olarak kullanılır. Dikkat etmemiz gereken nokta ise record kelimesi isim de olsa fiil de olsa aynı yazılır ancak telaffuzları farklıdır çünkü vurguları farklıdır.
He decided to record the concert for later enjoyment. (fiil / verb)
The vinyl record spun on the turntable, filling the room with music. (isim / noun)
Öncelikle bu iki heceli kelimemizi re- ve -cord olarak ikiye ayıralım. Eğer vurgumuzu son heceye verirsek, fiil (verb) olan halini telaffuz etmiş oluruz. Eğer vurgumuzu ilk heceye verirsek de isim (noun) olan halini telaffuz etmiş oluruz. Aradaki farkı anlamak için aşağıdaki ses kaydını dinleyiniz.
Bu konuyu daha detaylı olarak incelemek için aşağıdaki videoma göz attıktan sonra yazının devamında İngilizcedeki eşadlı diğer sözcükleri çalışabilirsiniz.
Peki daha başka hangi kelimeler İngilizcede eşadlıdır?
Özellikle IELTS ve TOEFL sınavları için çalışıyorsanız eşadlı kelimelerin fiil (verb) ve isim (noun) hallerinin İngilizce'de nasıl telaffuz edildiklerini bilmeniz gerekir. Eğer bugüne kadar bu konuda bir çalışma yapmadıysanız, yabancı dilinizi geliştirmek için bu konuya odaklanmaya şimdi başlayabilirsiniz.
Günlük İngilizce'de eşadlı olan diğer kelimelere bakalım. Vurgu vermeniz gereken geceleri büyük harfle yazdım.
2. CONduct (Noun) - conDUCT (Verb)
She was asked to conduct the orchestra during the performance. (verb)
The scientist's conduct during the experiment was highly professional. (noun)
3. ATTribute (Noun) - attRIBUTE (Verb)
She wanted to attribute her success to hard work and dedication. (verb)
The artist's unique style was a defining attribute of her paintings. (noun)
4. COMbat (Noun) - comBAT (Verb)
He trained tirelessly to combat his opponents in the martial arts tournament. (verb)
The soldiers were well-prepared for combat as they entered the battlefield. (noun)
5. CONflict (Noun) - conFLICT (Verb)
They tried to resolve and mediate the conflict peacefully. (verb)
The ongoing conflict in the region had lasting effects on the population. (noun)
6. CONtest (Noun) - conTEST (Verb)
She decided to contest the election for a chance to represent her community. (verb)
The spelling bee contest showcased the students' impressive language skills. (noun)
7. CONtract (Noun) - conTRACT (Verb)
They signed a contract to formalize the agreement. (noun)
She agreed to contract with a publishing company for her upcoming novel. (verb)
8. DEcrease (Noun) - deCREASE (Verb)
They implemented energy-saving measures to decrease their monthly expenses. (verb)
The decrease in temperature signaled the onset of winter. (noun)
9. EScort (Noun) - esCORT (Verb)
He was hired to escort the VIP to the event. (verb)
The security guard provided a reliable escort for the visiting dignitary. (noun)
10. IMpact (Noun) - imPACT (Verb)
The environmental policies aim to impact positive change in the community. (verb)
The impact of the earthquake was felt across the entire region. (noun)
11. INcrease (Noun) - inCREASE (Verb)
She worked hard to increase her productivity at work. (verb)
The steady increase in sales was a positive sign for the company's growth. (noun)
12. INsult (Noun) - inSULT (Verb)
He didn't mean to insult her with his comment. (verb)
The hurtful insult left a lasting impact on her feelings. (noun)
13. OBject (Noun) - obJECT (Verb)
She decided to object to the new policy during the meeting. (verb)
The ornate object was carefully displayed in the museum's exhibit. (noun)
14. PERmit (Noun) - perMIT (Verb)
The city council granted a permit for the construction project. (noun)
Her parents wouldn't permit her to go to the concert without adult supervision. (verb)
15. PREsent (Noun) - preSENT (Verb)
He will present his research findings at the conference. (verb)
She received a beautiful gift as a birthday present. (noun)
16. PROceed (Noun) - proCEED (Verb)
They were given the green light to proceed with the project. (verb)
The proceeds from the charity event will go towards a good cause. (noun)
17. PROgress (Noun) - proGRESS (Verb)
She is determined to progress in her career through hard work. (verb)
The steady progress of the students was evident in their test scores. (noun)
18. PROject (Noun) - proJECT (Verb)
They plan to project their sales figures for the next quarter. (verb)
The construction project is scheduled to begin next month. (noun)
19. REbel (Noun) - reBEL (Verb)
He decided to rebel against the oppressive regime. (verb)
The young rebel fought for freedom and justice. (noun)
20. REfill (Noun) - reFILL (Verb)
She asked the waiter to refill her water glass. (verb)
The gas station offered a discount on refills for reusable coffee cups. (noun)
21. REfund (Noun) - reFUND (Verb)
They agreed to refund the purchase price due to the faulty product. (verb)
He received a full refund for the returned item. (noun)
22. REject (Noun) - reJECT (Verb)
She had to reject the job offer because it didn't align with her career goals. (verb)
The painting was a reject from the artist's earlier collection. (noun)
23. REfuse (Noun) - reFUSE (Verb)
He had to refuse the invitation to the party due to a prior commitment. (verb)
He had to make a difficult refuse when offered a job that conflicted with his values.
24. SUBject (Noun) - subJECT (Verb)
She didn't want to subject her children to unnecessary stress. (verb)
The main subject of the painting was a serene countryside scene. (noun)
25. SUSpect (Noun) - susPECT (Verb)
She began to suspect that something was wrong when he didn't answer her calls. (verb)
The police apprehended the main suspect in the robbery case. (noun)